The following workshops take place Sundays from 1 to 3 pm at the Armory Creative Arts Campus (515 Eastside St SE). Please plan to attend at least one workshop in March and one in April. If this is a problem, let me know and we can work out a different time to meet at the art studio.
March 23 - Beaks + fabric kits
March 30 - Fabric kits, sewing begins on tails & wings
April 6 - Fabric kits, Sew tails & wings
April 13 - Headpieces, bodices, continue working on tails & wings
April 20 (Easter) - Optional time to finish costume items
Workshops are free, of course! The Procession Art Studio is in the lower level of the Armory. There's parking in the fenced in area at the back of the Armory, on the street, or across Eastside St at Avanti. Enter at the back of the Armory. When you arrive, you'll be asked to check in and grab a tag. (You might want to allow time for check-in - sometimes there can be a little bit of a backup.)
Info and photos coming soon
Info and photos coming soon